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Eteri and Gocha  2016  oil on linen  50x52 in.  (127x132 cm)
On the inside of his passport folder a tiny black & white photo was permanently hidden. They were photos of Gocha and me, ages 4 and 3. Since January, he couldn't remember anyone or anything, but he always recognized  the two characters in these photos. I started a  painting using these photos in front of his bed and asked him frequently:

-Dad, who are these kids?”
-Eteri and Gocha! --He'd answer with pride and a self-mocking smile.
-Where is Gocha? --He kept asking me.
-He is in New Jersey, don't you remember? We will get there and you will spend time with him as well.
-Dad, do you remember the hundreds of  oil paint brushes you bought for me when I was 15?

No, he didn't remember... Those brushes cost him two months' salary of a Soviet University professor. Usually, good quality items were smuggled into the Soviet Union from Europe and sold on an illegal, so-called Black market. He didn't remember either, that we had just traveled from  -F 11 degrees  freezing Canada to tropical Jamaica.